
Which Of The Following Statements About The Evolution Of Animal Cell Adhesion Molecules Is True?

Immunology: T cell Development & Activation MCQ

Multiple Pick Question on T cell Evolution, Differentiation, and Activation

1) T cells (T lymphocytes) are crucial in the recognition of antigens presented by cocky-MHC. The T cell progenitors undergo proliferation and differentiation in the thymus and form a mature T cell. Which of the post-obit organ is the origin of T prison cell progenitors?
a) Thymus
b) Hepatocytes
c) Bone marrow
d) None of the above

2) What is the feature feature of progenitor T cells that have migrated to the thymus?
a) They express T cell receptor/CD3 complex
b) They express CD28 jail cell adhesion molecule
c) They express CD4 or CD8 co-receptor
d) None of the above

iii) Which of the following prison cell adhesion molecule is present in the T cell progenitors is required for homing of these cells into the thymus?
b) CD44
c) IL-2
d) CTLA-4

four) Pre- T cell receptor complex consists of the β chain of TCR & CD3 molecules that are formed during the proliferation of T cells. The function of the pre-TCR complex include except
a) signal productive rearrangement of TCR β for further proliferation
b) suppress further rearrangement of β chain (allelic exclusion)
c) prepare cells for rearrangement of α chain
d) commit T cells for CD4 or CD8 positive T cells

5) Which of the following is the process for T cell development and maturation?
a) Rearrangement of T prison cell receptor and expression of coreceptors
b) Positive selection of thymocytes begetting receptors that are capable of binding to self-MHC molecules (MHC restriction)
c) Negative selection ensure the affinity receptor self MHC or MHC antigen complex is eliminated (self-tolerance)
d) All of the above

6) During the differentiation of T lymphocytes, the double-positive cells are directed to go CD4 + T cell & CD8+ T cell which are MHC 2 & MHC I restricted respectively. Which of the following procedure may be correct for T cell differentiation?
a) Intrinsic model- multiple interactions of MHC with double-positive (CD4+ & CD8+) instruct the jail cell to differentiate
b) Stochastic model- CD4 or CD8 expression in switched of randomly
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

7) The activation of T cell requires the interaction of MHC/peptide of TCR/CD3 complex activation require the expression of
a) Transcription factors such as c-Fos, c-Myc, c-Jun etc.
b) Interleukins such as IL-ii, IL-3, and IL-6
c) Adhesion molecules such equally CD28, CTLA-4
d) All of the above

8) Which of the post-obit cytoplasmic tail of CD4 or CD8 coreceptors are required for phosphorylation of ITAM present of CD3 molecules?
a) Lck
b) ZAP70
c) LAD
d) None of the above

nine) The cell surface proteins on T cell bind to B7 on the antigen-presenting cells and serve as a secondary signal. Which of the post-obit is truthful regarding the secondary bespeak?
a) CD28 is a protein that binds to B7 on APC that acts as costimulatory signals for T cell activation
b) CTLA-4 is a poly peptide that binds to B7 on APC that acts every bit a suppressor bespeak for T prison cell activation
c) Both
d) None

10) Which of the cytokines office in an autocrine way and induces T cell proliferation subsequently engagement of TCR with antigens interaction and presence of secondary signal?
a) IL-1
b) IL-ii
c) IL-3
d) IL-4

xi) Cytokines such as IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-β, play an important office in jail cell-mediated cytotoxicity, and delay hypersensitivity. Which of the following subset of T helper cells are involved in the process
a) T helper one CD4+
b) T helper 2 CD4+
c) T helper 1 CD8+
d) T helper 2 CD8+

12) Cytokines such as IL-iv, IL-5, IL-6 & IL-10 play an important role in B cell activation and humoral allowed response
a) T helper i CD4+
b) T helper 2 CD4+
c) T helper 1 CD8+
d) T helper 2 CD8+

13) The regulatory or suppressor T cells express the specific cell surface marking for its part. It is
a) CD4+ CD25+
b) CD4+ CD25-
c) CD4 - CD8 - CD25 +
d) CD4 + CD8 + CD25 +

14) The activated T cells undergo activation-induced cell death (AICD). Which of the following is the effector molecule that is a response for AICD
a) IL-ii
b) Fas/Fas ligand
c) IL-4
d) INF-γ

fifteen) T-cell receptor engagement with antigenic peptide MHC may induce T prison cell activation or the clonal anergy. Which of the following interaction favors T cell activation
a) Fas/Fas ligand
b) B-7 & CTLA-iv interaction
c) B-7 & CD28 interaction
d) B-vii & CD 8 interaction

Multiple Choice Answers
i-c) Bone marrow
ii-d) None of the above
3-b) CD44
4-d) commit T cells for CD4 or CD8 positive T cells
5-d) All of the to a higher place
half dozen-c) Both A and B
7-d) All of the above
8-a) Lck
ix-c) Both
x-b) IL-2
eleven- a) T helper 1 CD4+
12-b) T helper 2 CD4+
13- a) CD4+ CD25+
14-b) Fas/Fas ligand
15-b) B-7 & CTLA-iv interaction


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